Relationships, romance and intimacy

I’m one of those people who ship everybody. For me, the highest peak of intimacy between people is having a romantic and sexual relationship, be it between two people or more. That degree of connection is what makes me the happiest, so usually I want that for the characters in the stories.


That’s me. That how I feel it and how I live it. That’s my way.

But there are many more ways to love.

There are people who don’t feel sexual attraction. There are people who don’t need a romantic relationship. There are people that have truly deep and meaningful friendships and don’t need anything else. There are people who enjoy their solitude and personal space.

On the other side, there are people who can fall in love and have romantic and sexual relationships with more than one person. There are people who don’t want to settle down with anyone but enjoy sexual encounters. There are people who enjoy romance but don’t need to have sex. There are people who live life as a couple with one person, but have an agreement to have casual encounters outside.

As long as they are lived sincerely and truthfully, all of those options are VALID.

But that’s not what we are told.

The model exported globally in mass media glorifies just one kind of relationship as the desirable and respectable option: heterosexual exclusive monogamy. It would seem that is the pinnacle of a human’s life, producing offspring being a necessary consequence of it. Any other development in a person’s life is presented as lacking.

And I find that is just so, so wrong.

Love is not exclusive to couple romance.

You can love your friends. You can love your family. You can love two or more people at once. You can love yourself. You can love your pet. You can love your hobbies, or your job.

The way you love is unique, and all kinds of love are equally valuable and meaningful.

Don’t fall for the trick. Don’t feel bad if your feelings don’t adjust to the general model we are sold everyday. Find the kind of love that makes you happy and be happy for those who love in their own way.

Happy Freedom-To-Love-How-You-Choose-To Day.





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